Harry Potter :D
hey dear :D cer-teka da brape lame aq ta intai belog ni ? pandai-2 kau la . tp yg pasti , sejak beberapa bulan ni, aq mmg agak pasif dlm dunia blogging ni . maklumlah , calon periksa besar . eleh , padahal PMR je . okayla , kire besar bg someone yg sebaya dgn aq . act, aq bknnye jd ulat dictionary and ulat bulu oppss silap , ulat buku . lately nie , aq sibuk dok cari cite Harry Potter yg lepas lepas nun sbb aq nak tgok balik . maklumlah semangat conan <-- ( ayat huda , pinjam ae :D ) so dipendekkan cite, last few months nie , keje aq ialah tercongok dpn com tgok cite HP . nseb baik berlambak cite nie kat web . kalau tak , mmg mengalir air mata darah la aq sbb kempunan nak menghayati muvee feberet .
act, aq sendiri ta tau since when aq obsessed dgn Harry Potter . buku die aq bace . movie die pun aq tgok . yg mne aq ta tgok tu , sanggup aq search kat web . nak tgok online punya pasal . yg sebenarnya , aq ni mmg jenis yg suke tgok or bace cite yg adventurous, fantasy and magical . sbb tu aq obsessed gila ngan HP . cerite yg penuh dgn magic . lgpun cite ni byk moral value. so mmg bagus utk someone yg lack of moral value mcm aq . eh tak , aq ni baik tau . penuh dgn nilai nilai ketimuran . aicehh , gerrlieeww je .
sebenarnya , aq still sedih ni sbb favourite movie aq ni da smpi ke penghujungnya . dah habis da cite HP ni . boleh dikatakan , aq membesar dgn cite ni sama mcm mana aq membesar dgn cite Hannah Montana . so , byg kan jela lps ni mcm mana la hidup aq . dah la HM da habis, Merlin da habis, Narnia pun ntah la, ni pulak HP, haishh , tension betul la . tak pe la , Hannah Montana ngan Harry Potter tetap kekal dlm ingatan aq . aq akan simpan kemas-2 .
act, aq sendiri ta tau since when aq obsessed dgn Harry Potter . buku die aq bace . movie die pun aq tgok . yg mne aq ta tgok tu , sanggup aq search kat web . nak tgok online punya pasal . yg sebenarnya , aq ni mmg jenis yg suke tgok or bace cite yg adventurous, fantasy and magical . sbb tu aq obsessed gila ngan HP . cerite yg penuh dgn magic . lgpun cite ni byk moral value. so mmg bagus utk someone yg lack of moral value mcm aq . eh tak , aq ni baik tau . penuh dgn nilai nilai ketimuran . aicehh , gerrlieeww je .
sebenarnya , aq still sedih ni sbb favourite movie aq ni da smpi ke penghujungnya . dah habis da cite HP ni . boleh dikatakan , aq membesar dgn cite ni sama mcm mana aq membesar dgn cite Hannah Montana . so , byg kan jela lps ni mcm mana la hidup aq . dah la HM da habis, Merlin da habis, Narnia pun ntah la, ni pulak HP, haishh , tension betul la . tak pe la , Hannah Montana ngan Harry Potter tetap kekal dlm ingatan aq . aq akan simpan kemas-2 .
Harry Potter's series
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
best movie and story for ever . and the most great thing 'bout this movie is the director never replace characters in this movie . from the first 'till the last movie , they never replace the actor and actress . it is awesome isn't it ? there are tiny changes but no one really realize it . trust me , i never lie ! okay , that's a lie . i do tell lies , sometimes . kira mcm tipu sunat lahh (; and by the way , i think , there is no other movie that have such a long series . gila cool ! and before this entry ends, please meet my boyfriend , lol :P
Harry James Potter
Daniel Radcliffe
and please meet my new bestie . haha , you're fool if you trust me about this . i have only a best of friend, which is someone that you dont have to know . Please meet ,
Hermione Jean Granger
Emma Watson
p/s - hidup Harry ! hidup Hannah ! hidup Narnia ! hidup Merlin ! <---- sewel apa aq ni . HAHA . lol
p/p/s - sayang kau Huda sbb sanggup layan sewel sewel aq ni bila kite story mory pasal Harry Potter . kiss hug kiss hug <3
p/p/p/s - nd one more thing , syg kau NEL . big mmmuuuaaahhh for you :*
p/p/s - sayang kau Huda sbb sanggup layan sewel sewel aq ni bila kite story mory pasal Harry Potter . kiss hug kiss hug <3
p/p/p/s - nd one more thing , syg kau NEL . big mmmuuuaaahhh for you :*