Anthem by HLOVATE
Assalamualaikum and greetings, earthlings.
SPM has already became a 'history' for those who are taking science stream and art stream but as for me, I still got a couple of paper to deal with. 4th of Dec is my last day of examination. and the subject is Sains Pertanian aka SP. But even though I haven't finished yet with my SP papers, I still thinks that SPM has already finished. Silly me :P and for that very reason, I've started to read novels back! Woohoo! Yay for me. So far, the novel that is in my reading progress is Anthem by HLOVATE. only one thing that I can say about this novel, Magnificent. another great piece is born!
To be frank, I don't really interested in reading novels especially the loved ones. But I read'em just to satisfy my super-natural-books-cravings-disease. haha. Well come on, the plot in love-novel is mainly based on the writer's hyperbolic-imagination. There is no such thing like in the novel will happen in reality. Well, at least not to me. But what makes my opinion about love novels change is Hlovate. What do I love about Hlovate's novels is its inspire me. His/Her novels is not mainly about love and happily-ever-after kind of novel. It is beyond those things. Its about life, reality and a struggle to find true path of life. Senang cerita is cerita dia semua pasal main character yang cuba nak berubah from bad to better. Okay, got it?
And now lets talk about Anthem. the main character is Nur Dania Dashrin aka Dash. A third-culture kid. Rebellious. Out-spoken. Loves music and self-defense art. her instrument is Violin. and ofc in every story there must be a guy right? in Anthem, the hero is Badlee/Lee aka Hitler. Dash's senior. I referred him as cold-blooded, haha sbb kejam sangat. In short, Anthem is all about Dash who has a very bad attitude and life style due to her 'nomad life'. her friends are all over the world. Belgium, Romania, Austria, America, France, India, just name it. She was sent back to Malaysia by her parents to 'fix' her. she's not like a typical Malay girl who is decent, nice and etc. she's way opposite than that. So to me, the story is mainly about Dash's life and her struggle to find her true identity, her 'anthem'.
What makes me soooooo into Dash is she have quite few common with me which are...
- Dash loves music and so do I. Her instrument is violin but as for me I preferred piano/keyboard. but that's okay, we both loves music. and that's Rock! my favourite is Canon in D by Johann Pachelbel. let it be in piano version, violin version or guitar version, I stilllllllll love it!
- Dash loves heavy-loud-music same as me. the louder the beat of drum and strum of guitar, the better. Sting, Green Day, Scorpion, Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park, Heart, Cranberries and etc just name it I love them all.
- Dash faham benda yg straight je. If 'no' means NO. if 'yes' means YES. takde corner sana corner sini. kira sama la mcm aq. apa yg org ckp itu la yg aq faham. please guys, I can't read 'yang tersirat'. If you're wish to tell me anything, just straight to the point okay. I tend to get a blank look if I don't get it. so faham faham la yee, saya auditory :D
- Dash + MP3 = inseparable = AE + MP3. and dlm mp3 dia, she got all kind of music/songs with all kind of languages. same as my beloved walkman, I got heavy music, slow music, Malay, Korean, English, Spanish, Arabic, and etc. To me, music is universal. It is not necessary for you to understand it because even if you don't understand you can feel the music flows in your veins.
- Dash always get a 'negative-feedback' from the surrounding people and so do I. Well, my case is not as bad as Dash but used and still got the weird-kind-of-look from the people around me. Family, Friends, People. But I'm not backing off cause I know that its never wrong to be yourself unless you're pretending and faking it. Let it be, let the others talk or give you the weird gaze because in the end of the day, they are the ones who is actually weird and wrong about you.
- Dash knew languageS and I want to be just like her. I'm in the middle of learning foreign language(by myself ofc) and hope that i'll be like her one fine day.
- Dash is just like a caterpillar who will be a beautiful butterfly, one day and I believe that I am also just like that caterpillar. Waiting patiently to transform into a beautiful butterfly.
- Dash further her studies in Mechanical Engineering. and I also have a dream of furthering my studies in this field and Mechanical Engineering is my first option. Numbers and Mathematical Problems have always been my favourite ever since I was in primary school. who knows in the future with His approval and bless, I'll be an engineer with the title P.E. (professional engineer). See, what is written in my resume and what is written in Anthem...
Haha, so that's it about Dash and Anthem. tak nak la cerita semua dekat sini. nanti dah tak best plak. kalau nak tahu, go and grab a copy of Anthem from the nearest bookstore. But for those who expected a love story with plot yg berbunga bunga and romantis terlebih lebih, sorry to say you will not find it in this novel. well it does have the romantic part but in its sweeter-way :)
Gotta go. Bubye. Lots of Love, AE.
p/s- Hlovate, Hlovate wherever you are. Please come out and end the mystery of your identity. hehe, peace yaw :)
p/p/s- Great thanks to NHS who introduced me to Hlovate's piece. love you, girl [muah]