Bye PASUM. Bye KK12. Hey Hey KMKu :)

C502. Beloved room.

In DTC during MHS 14/15

PASUM baru. *love*

*From top left: Blok C KK12, PASUM, Tasik KK12, Bilik Tutorial 6 (BT6), Meja Blaja kesayangan, Lab Fizik yg x sempat guna :'(

Assalamualaikum and greetings earthling,
Tak senonoh betul baru nak bagi salam. hehe. Forgive me hoccay!
In the previous entry, Ive mentioned bout uploading photos right? But who would ever thought that right now Im uploading the photos in such a grief (la sangat~ lol). Why? because of this.....

Syukran O Allah

Alhamdulillah. Saya ditawarkan Program Kerjasama JPA-MARA utk course Medic! Sangat terkejut bila dapat call dr JPA. I know that I've stated somewhere in the previous entry saying that I didnt get it right tapi kuasa Allah mengatasi segala galanya. It happens to be that Im actually in the waiting list so bila ade vacancy je diorg trus call. Bukan xsayang PASUM tp this is chance. This is rezeki. Ive tried my best to get myself a scholarship n now since I've already got it, why should I waste it right? and ofc keputusan ni diambil setelah mengambil kira pandangan parents, family, and the most important thing, setelah Dia bagi petunjuk. Insyaallah, this is the best and right path for me :)

So now.... Goodbye PASUMians and KK12 residents. Thanks for accepting me as a part of you even though it was just for 23days but I had a very great experiences there. Thanks a lot. 

And now... I will go to Kolej MARA Kulim, Kedah for the preparation program. KEDAH!!! HERE I COME :)

Lots of Love, AE
