Why India?
Assalamualaikum and greeting, earthlings :)
Sekarang ni jam dekstop aku pukul 6.18 pagi. Tiba tiba rasa rajin nak jenguk Miss Bloggie ni. So morning? haha. Nampak nau takde idea nak menulis tu Kak Kin oiii. lol. Walaupun hakikatnya masih banyak topic CVS, GIT mahupun GUT untuk di-cover(excuse my language) dan hakikat yang lebih hakikat which is Selanjar 2 is around the corner,... and here I am writing a new entry. meh. Ok so without further delay, why India?
For yall information, daripada hari pertama aku jejakkan kaki dekat India ni sampai la sekarang ni, dah bannnnyyyyaaakkk hikmah yang aku dapat. Unlike most of the students here that are unwillingly to come here (at first) plus those who thought that they're going to Ireland, I CHOSE to be here. I fill up the JPA-MARA scholarship form and decided to come here, India. and I still remember the day I decided to further my study here in India, everyone's reaction was "why India?" *insert that disgusted look*. In their point of view, everything about India is definitely a no-no. Masa tu bila orang tanya kenapa nak study dekat India jujur sejujur jujurnya, aku TAKTAHU kenapa. Tapi Dia yang gerakkan hati ni.
Tapi kalau sekarang? Alhamdulillah now I think I found the answer. So why? Because He wants to give me MORE. More than the medical knowledge themselves. More than the vast survival experiences. More than the enjoyment of the new environment. and mainly its all because He wants to give me the sweetness of tarbiyah. The pleasure of learning about HIM. About this deen. About the purpose of this life. About the hereafter. and the truth is, its not I that chose to be here, it is actually He who put me here. Allah al-Munzilin.
Waktu tersepit untuk buat keputusan whether to stay at PASUM or leave to Kulim for USMKLE, I seriously have no other place to refer to except to Him. Sebab hakikatnya hanya Dia yang tahu apa yang Terbaik untuk kita. not our parents (sorry its true tho) or our friends cuz they are human as well. Maybe untuk parents ade special case sikit la yang mana bila Allah bagi petunjuk pada diorang untuk kita. Boleh jadi jugak Allah bagi hint tu pada orang sekeliling kita. So bukalah mata hati ye anak anak.
But in the end, He helped me to decide. He decided for me to come here and be here. Jujur aku cakap, aku ni sebenarnya bukan pandai sangat pun. alah golongan mediocre je. Kalau orang tahu cerita sebenar macammana aku boleh tercampak kat sini, mesti orang akan cakap yang aku ade kat sini sebab luck je. Dulu aku pun fikir macam tu. yang aku ada kat sini semua sebab kebetulan je. sebab rezeki je. Tapi apa yang aku taktahu sebenarnya nama aku dah tertulis pun untuk berada kat India ni dari sebelum aku lahir lagi. cause Allah knows best.
Awal awal sampai kulim, memang self esteem aku dihempas hempas ke lantai not once not twice but lots and lots of time. Banyak kali aku jatuh, tersungkur, tersembam tapi Allah tu Ar-Rahman. Dia datangkan pertolongan untuk aku. Dia pinjamkan kekuatan untuk aku bangun semula dan mulakan balik. Dia hantarkan kawan kawan dan lecturer untuk bantu aku. Tapi sayang, waktu tu aku tak nampak semua ni. All I saw was whatever that he didn't give me not what He had give me. Jahilkan aku? How irony for someone who love to read between the lines like me cannot see the the hidden hikmah that Allah already gave me.
Now, here I am in my lovely room in Belgaum, Karnataka, India. Like I said before, He sent me here not only to learn and study about His greatest creation, the human, but also to understand the true purpose of life for this greatest creation (read: us). Alhamdulillah ya Rabb you chose me. I am forever grateful to you.
So, why India? Now you know the answer. Mungkin pada awalnya akan ada yang kecewa dengan apa yang diberi. Rasa dikhianati kerana tidak diberi apa yang diingini. tetapi ingatlah,
Lots of Love, AE
Sekarang ni jam dekstop aku pukul 6.18 pagi. Tiba tiba rasa rajin nak jenguk Miss Bloggie ni. So morning? haha. Nampak nau takde idea nak menulis tu Kak Kin oiii. lol. Walaupun hakikatnya masih banyak topic CVS, GIT mahupun GUT untuk di-cover(excuse my language) dan hakikat yang lebih hakikat which is Selanjar 2 is around the corner,... and here I am writing a new entry. meh. Ok so without further delay, why India?
For yall information, daripada hari pertama aku jejakkan kaki dekat India ni sampai la sekarang ni, dah bannnnyyyyaaakkk hikmah yang aku dapat. Unlike most of the students here that are unwillingly to come here (at first) plus those who thought that they're going to Ireland, I CHOSE to be here. I fill up the JPA-MARA scholarship form and decided to come here, India. and I still remember the day I decided to further my study here in India, everyone's reaction was "why India?" *insert that disgusted look*. In their point of view, everything about India is definitely a no-no. Masa tu bila orang tanya kenapa nak study dekat India jujur sejujur jujurnya, aku TAKTAHU kenapa. Tapi Dia yang gerakkan hati ni.
Tapi kalau sekarang? Alhamdulillah now I think I found the answer. So why? Because He wants to give me MORE. More than the medical knowledge themselves. More than the vast survival experiences. More than the enjoyment of the new environment. and mainly its all because He wants to give me the sweetness of tarbiyah. The pleasure of learning about HIM. About this deen. About the purpose of this life. About the hereafter. and the truth is, its not I that chose to be here, it is actually He who put me here. Allah al-Munzilin.
Waktu tersepit untuk buat keputusan whether to stay at PASUM or leave to Kulim for USMKLE, I seriously have no other place to refer to except to Him. Sebab hakikatnya hanya Dia yang tahu apa yang Terbaik untuk kita. not our parents (sorry its true tho) or our friends cuz they are human as well. Maybe untuk parents ade special case sikit la yang mana bila Allah bagi petunjuk pada diorang untuk kita. Boleh jadi jugak Allah bagi hint tu pada orang sekeliling kita. So bukalah mata hati ye anak anak.
But in the end, He helped me to decide. He decided for me to come here and be here. Jujur aku cakap, aku ni sebenarnya bukan pandai sangat pun. alah golongan mediocre je. Kalau orang tahu cerita sebenar macammana aku boleh tercampak kat sini, mesti orang akan cakap yang aku ade kat sini sebab luck je. Dulu aku pun fikir macam tu. yang aku ada kat sini semua sebab kebetulan je. sebab rezeki je. Tapi apa yang aku taktahu sebenarnya nama aku dah tertulis pun untuk berada kat India ni dari sebelum aku lahir lagi. cause Allah knows best.
Awal awal sampai kulim, memang self esteem aku dihempas hempas ke lantai not once not twice but lots and lots of time. Banyak kali aku jatuh, tersungkur, tersembam tapi Allah tu Ar-Rahman. Dia datangkan pertolongan untuk aku. Dia pinjamkan kekuatan untuk aku bangun semula dan mulakan balik. Dia hantarkan kawan kawan dan lecturer untuk bantu aku. Tapi sayang, waktu tu aku tak nampak semua ni. All I saw was whatever that he didn't give me not what He had give me. Jahilkan aku? How irony for someone who love to read between the lines like me cannot see the the hidden hikmah that Allah already gave me.
Now, here I am in my lovely room in Belgaum, Karnataka, India. Like I said before, He sent me here not only to learn and study about His greatest creation, the human, but also to understand the true purpose of life for this greatest creation (read: us). Alhamdulillah ya Rabb you chose me. I am forever grateful to you.
"... Bersyukurlah kepada-Ku, dan janganlah kamu ingkar kepada-Ku."
So, why India? Now you know the answer. Mungkin pada awalnya akan ada yang kecewa dengan apa yang diberi. Rasa dikhianati kerana tidak diberi apa yang diingini. tetapi ingatlah,
So, bersyukurlah ye. Next time if you ask me, why India? I'll answer, because My Lord put me here :)"... Tetapi boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu, padahal itu baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal itu tidak baik bagimu. Allah Mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."(2:216)
Lots of Love, AE