Assalamualaikum and greetings, earthling :) ***** 17/09/2016, 00:44 Embryology - the scientific study of embryo. Embryology is a subject that never fails to amazed me. It also one of the most crazy hard subject tho, no lies. You need all of your imagination ability to understand it. Maybe its because we are learning about something that can't be seen in real life. Everything happens in the IUL (intra-uterine life). So cerita dia, harini belajar pasal nervous system development. Dalam pada payah nak memahamkan apa yang Dr. Ravishankar cakap kat depan, I cant help myself from being completely amazed by His finest creation, the human. I am very amazed on how each and every cell knows exactly what to be and where to go. Surprised on how the small cell that pinch out of epiblast layer during the folding of neural tube end up being neural crest cell which in turn give rise to a whole new set of cells with variety of functions. Pastu ofc la kan bila belajar embryology mes...