North Yindia Trip #3

Assalamualaikum and greetings, earthling :)

Alhamdulillah berjaya menggagahkan diri hari ni untuk sambung entri ni. So without further ado...


Day 5 - 3/2

Untuk hari kelima ni, the whole day was used up for our journey to Shimla. Kehkeh jauh yang amat. Sakit weh pinggang duk lelama dalam kereta. Tapi time otw to Shimla tu sempat singgah jap kat Hanging Bridge nearby Pandoh Dam. Subhanallah the view was breath-taking. With the crystal clear water and the lush greens, I was lost for words. Cantik sangat. Senanya takde pun dalam itinerary tapi kitorang mintak bhaiya berhenti jap sebab nak amik gamba. hihi.

This picture do no justice cause in reality, this place has way amazing view than this! 

Alhamdulillah for this surprised gift from Him to us :) Sampai Shimla je dah malam, so terus check in hotel and ta sempat nak g memana pun.

Day 6 - 4/2

Hari ke-6 ni keje kitorang dari pagi sampai ke petang ialah memanjang horse riding kat Kufri and Naldehra. Initially, I felt like a noob trying to ride the horse but by the end of the day I felt like a real professional horse rider. The absolute after-effect of doing too much of horse riding in a day. hahaha. The thing that makes horse riding in Shimla lil bit different than other place is that we ride the horse to climb the hill/mountain. Ascending and descending the mountain on horses! Damn, what a climb. haha. 

Precious mountain view

Kat Shimla banyak je aktiviti yang ada. Aktiviti ekstrem pun ade like flying fox antara pokok, ride ATV kat lereng lereng bukit and segala curam cenuram and many more. Lepas puas berangan acah acah princess dalam Camelot (eh?) well y’now cause the main transportation during the medieval times was horse kan? So, yeah the Camelot reference. Haha. K back to my story. Petang tu lepas relax2 jap kat bilik kitorang jalan kaki along the mall road untuk pegi The Ridge. This was seriously the moment that I’ve been waiting for! Memang dari sebelum datang dah set dalam otak sampai Shimla je nak pegi The Ridge. Tak tau la nape nak sangat pegi situ tapi for me, it worth the walk la. Sebabnya tempat tu cantik sangat!!! 

If you are someone like me, a person who appreciate the beauty of architecture and nature combined together, then you might as well love this place as much as I do. Bangunan kat Shimla area The Ridge tu more to English style. And bila malam, kalau tgk dr tebing kat statue  wife mahatma gandhi tu, korang akan Nampak lampu2 yang bergemerlapan. Just like stars! Ya Allah I just cant simply expressed my feelings through writings sebab tak terkata cantiknya tu. Haha hiperbola sangat ke?

Awat cantik sangat!!!

The Ridge //love//

Stars-like and ofc its a better view thru our eyes

Day 7 - 5/2

Heading back to Delhi. On our way to Delhi tu singgah sat kat Jal Mahal Garden. I don’t exactly remember what is that place built for. Nampak sangat tak baca pasal history tempat tu. Haha. Malam baru sampai Delhi and terus ke hotel.

Day 8 - 6/2

Pagi pagi lagi kitorang dah bersiap nak ke Agra. Untuk apa ke sana? Ofc la untuk pegi ke one of seven wonders of the world, Taj mahal. Tbvh, aku takla teruja mana nak pegi sini. My first thought was “Hmm dah kenapa satu dunia datang agra ni semata mata nak tgk kubur orang?” (fyi, taj mahal is actually a tomb made for Mumtaz, Shah Jehan’s third wife.) like seriously, masa tu memang tak teruja langsung. However, my whole perception about Taj Mahal completely change when I reached there and witnessed the great Taj myself.

Taj Mahal IS without a doubt, one of the seven wonders of the world. Bila dengar history pasal Taj Mahal rasa geram pun ade kat si shah jehan tu. (you can google the history yourself) tapi beauty of the Taj Mahal itself has successfully make me forget about it (for a moment la). Setiap ceruk Taj Mahal tu ade keistimewaannya. Kat sini special sikit la pakai baju kurung. hahaha. Dengan niat di hati nak anta kat newspaper yang slot Salam Perantauan tu. lol

North Yindia Squad

Day 9 - 7/2

Pegi  Fatehpur Sikri, water palace and Jami’ Mosque. Pegi jugak kedai souvenir gem. Rambang mata je tengok batu batu permata yang berbagai jenis. Emerald, ruby, aquamarine, topaz. just name it cuz they have it! Nasib baik dompet dah kering kontang. Kalau tak memang ade hrapan lagi duit terbang. Haha. Time ni memang aku dah mula takdak mood la. Otak pikir nak balik je. hahaha. Tengah vacation pun boleh home-sickness. lol. Amik gamba pun takmau >_<

Day 10 - 8/2

Went to Jaipur and visit Amber Fort. Nak masuk fort tu kena naik gajah. Mula mula tu eksaited la tapi bila tengok dia pukul pukul gajah tu kat kepala sampai luka jadi tak eksaited dah. Geram betul. Grr. Memang kacau mood betul.

Mirror room
Amber fort ni besar sangat. Kalau sekali imbas pandang, dah macam Great Wall of China sebab memang lebih kurang pun. Time kat sini, seronok la main teroka castle tu dengan Nani with full hope that we might bump into some secret rooms. Haha. Pengaruh Camelot sangat kitorang ni. Tapi suasana dia memang lebih kurang pun. Dengan tangga spiral. Pintu besar banyak banyak. Ade underground tunnel that act as escape pathway time kena ambush dengan musuh. Ok la not bad. Then pegi City Palace and finally pegi tgk Rajashtan block painting. Terbeli la jugak satu dua sari kat sini sebab sari dia cantik! Tak sama macam yang kat Belgaum.

Kepenatan melayan kerenah kitorang. hihi

Day 11 - 9/2

Last day! Memandangkan flight ke Mumbai tengah hari, so tak sempat la nak pegi banyak tempat sangat. So pegi ke Qutb Minar je.

Alai Minar

Qutb Minar


So that's all bout our journey to North India. Definitely a memorable one. In shaa allah kalau ade rezeki next time nak pegi Shimla lagi! Maybe time snow fall? during honeymoon? acewah hahaha merancang gituu :P Tahniah North Yindia Squad kerana berjaya merealisasikan impian kita semua :)

oh ya btw, kalau belum baca entri sebelum ni, meh klik sini - Part 1 | Part 2 -

Lots of Love, AE

P/s - Nantikan entri trip ke negara "oppa". It's in the making, I promise :P
