
Showing posts from 2011

The Lovely Bones

My name is Salmon, like the fish. First name Susie. I was murdered on December 6 1973. This is a story of a teenage girl who, after being  raped  and  murdered , watches from her personal  Heaven  as her family and friends struggle to move on with their lives while she comes to terms with her own death. These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence: the connections—sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great cost, but often magnificent—that happened after I was gone. And I began to see things in a way that let me hold the world without me in it. The events my death brought were merely the bones of a body that would become whole at some unpredictable time in the future. The price of what I came to see as this miraculous lifeless body had been my life. (quotation from the novel) p/s - kalau nak try nangis, tgok la cite ni. ada novel and movie. mmg sedih gila. 


Imagining you're far away Just searching for the words to say I feel it when you fall apart Our lives are a greatest art I don't wanna change your mind Coz i accept you for everything you are and will be Stay here with me now The only thing that are hearts are made of Are the acts of forgiveness and love The only thing real when push comes to shove Are the acts of forgiveness and love Coz in the end no one loses or wins The story begins again and again With forgiveness and love You don't ever have to read my mind You can see it when you close your eyes Don't believe it when you loose your fate Another moment is a moment away I can't tell you what the future holds Or how to live All i know is what feels right lights up my life again and again The only thing that are hearts are made of Are the acts of forgiveness and love The only thing real when push comes to shove Are the acts of forgiveness and love Coz in the end no one loses or wins ...

la la la la la ~

hey hye sorry yg ter amat sgt . act, gamba ni da berkurun da . lepas dah berbulan baru na upload. ngada kan ikin ni . gamba ni time convo SDKA. aq dpt pangkat brape ? biarlah rahsia . ngeh ngeh ngeh ~ kay bye xx

Chiquititas *adore

Aq tgh demam CHIQUITITAS xx chiquititas ? ape tu ? binatang ? mainan ? makanan? minuman? orang? tempat? okay okay stop ! ni dia specially for you from cik wiki Chiquititas  (known in English as  Tiny Angels ) for your information , chiquititas is a telenovela from Argentina. this telenovela is full with fantasy and love. cerita ni mengisahkan ttg anak-2 yatim yg tinggal di sebuah rumah anak-2 yatim yg gila cool . nama je rumah anak-2 yatim but mcm playground je . oh oh btw ni ade some of my favourite song in this telenovela . enjoy (: p/s - Huda dan Fatini ialah kawan chiquititas saya :D

Harry Potter :D

hey dear :D cer-teka da brape lame aq ta intai belog ni ? pandai-2 kau la . tp yg pasti , sejak beberapa bulan ni, aq mmg agak pasif dlm dunia blogging ni . maklumlah , calon periksa besar . eleh , padahal PMR je . okayla , kire besar bg someone yg sebaya dgn aq . act, aq bknnye jd ulat dictionary and ulat bulu oppss silap , ulat buku . lately nie , aq sibuk dok cari cite Harry Potter yg lepas lepas nun sbb aq nak tgok balik . maklumlah semangat conan <-- ( ayat huda , pinjam ae :D ) so dipendekkan cite, last few months nie , keje aq ialah tercongok dpn com tgok cite HP . nseb baik berlambak cite nie kat web . kalau tak , mmg mengalir air mata darah la aq sbb kempunan nak menghayati muvee feberet . act, aq sendiri ta tau since when aq obsessed dgn Harry Potter . buku die aq bace . movie die pun aq tgok . yg mne aq ta tgok tu , sanggup aq search kat web . nak tgok online punya pasal . yg sebenarnya , aq ni mmg jenis yg suk...

Who Says by Selena Gomez '^'

Oh Em Gee! Just got the new Selena Gomez song , Who Says! It is my new jam! Obsessed! Can’t stop listening the song! Go check it! [Verse 1]  I wouldn't want to be anybody else  ( Hey! )  You made me insecure  Told me I wasn't good enough  But who are you to judge  When you're a diamond in the rough  I'm sure you got some things  You'd like to change about yourself  But when it comes to me  I wouldn't want to be anybody else  Na na na na na  Na na na na na na  I'm no beauty queen  I'm just beautiful me  La na na na na na na na na!  La na na na na na na na na!  You've got every right  To a beautiful life  ( C'mon! )  Who says  Who says you're not perfect  Who says you're not worth it  Who says you're the only one that's hurting  Trust me  That's the price of beauty  Who says you're not pretty  Who says you're not beautiful  Who says ...

ada kawan saya kata ,

Ada kawan saya kata , ' berkawan itu ibarat bercinta ' sebab , time kita tgh rapat , kamcing ngan kawan/bf kita , everything seems so happy . no mistakes . so perfect . tp , bila dah gaduh , ta bertegur , masing-2 muka masam mencuka . tp bila da ok balik , semuanya ta kan jd seperti sedia kala . masing-2 mula rasa , kekok , pelik , janggal and mcm-2 lg . baik-2 rapat , terus renggang . kalau dulu " there's no secret between us , tp skarang , secret memanjang " . kalau dulu , sharing is caring tp sekarang , sharing means nothing . and mcm-2 lg . so sad if everything turns that way .

Ehem Ehem . heh-3

Alhamdulillah . sbb apa ? sbb D. Khas sy dpt result yg baik :D Thumbs up ! Ok sumpah aq rse bangga sikit la . sikit je ok ! sbb walaupun dlm sebulan , skali dua je aq g kelas , tp still dpt result yg ok :D ber-syukur padamu Ya Allah ! sgt happy bila dpt tau drpd Indah Azwa tp time tu aq ta pecaya sgt . just pecaya 50/50 sbb aq belum tgok result tu sendiri . but lps je tgok , terus tadah tgn kpd Allah tanda kesyukuran ! tp kan , agak sedikit terkezut sbb selama lama nie , kalo g kelas pun bukannya aq blajar tp duk bwh meja dgn Indah ! agak jahat ya saya last year ! hehe . p/s - Ustzh Miskiah ! sy minta maaf sbb selama ustzh ngajar sy , sy boleh buat piknik bwh meja . I'm Sorry . pastu bila ustzh dtg tmpt sy utk check homework , nanti sy lari g tempat org lain . tp sy dah dpt balasan atas semua perbuatan sy tu . kalau ustzh na tau Sirah , Faraid ngan Muamalat sy cuma dpt agregat 9 je . yeah . besar kan number tu . maklumlah , angka bg org FAILED ! yee , betul tu . sume subjek yg us...


Manusia mempunyai byk kerenah , perangai dan ragam . baik jahat mengada - ngada pendiam kecoh licik sensitif belagak hipokrit Jadi , belajarlah utk menerima diri seseorang itu seadanya kerana ragam , kerenah dan perangai itulah yang membentuk kesempurnaan dalam kehidupan seseorang insan

Hannah Montana Forever Last Episode - Wherever I Go

hey . feeling just like want to cry and scream if I watch this Hannah Montana Forever very last part and really final episode . I just can't believe that this is the final episode . Watching this final episode just make me cry because I've been watching this show for 4 years since I was just in standard 5 and now I'm fifteen and this show end . I grew up with Hannah Montana character and never thought that this show would end . It is sad you know . Ya , I know that maybe you guys think that I'm stupid to cry over just because of this show but it is sad and hard to accept the fact that this show end . I just hope that Miley Cyrus , Emily Osment and Mitchell Musso will keep their best-friendship after this show end . xoxo I sang with her . I dance with her . I grew up together . And now I am even more mature , my taste in fashion and “fun” seems different of what I have before . I may grow older and would have different favorites now , but Hannah Montana will always b...

Titisan air yg jatuh drpd langit :D

Hello korang . hah , paham ta apa yg aq tulis kat atas tu ? sekali aq pki ayat metafora plus hiperbola plus ntah la apa lg . so faham ta ? kpd yg da faham tu , congratulation la ya . tp pd yg ta paham-2 tu , welcome to the club la babe :D sebenarnya maksud titisan air yg jatuh drpd langit tu ialah HUJAN . ya betul tu hujan yg turun bagaikan mutiara . ceit tipu . mana ada mcm mutiara mcm air ada la :P Lumrah manusia la kann . hujan ta turun merungut kata panas panas ! hujan turun ta berhenti-2 pun complain “ alahai hujan nie , ta ber-henti-2 turun . abis basah sume . ni kalo ta berhenti gak ni mesti banjir . eee , geram betullah . grrr ! “ Tu lah dia manusia . ta penah na bersyukur dgn apa yg dah ada . Tp kan kalo korang na tau , hari ni aq ta de niat pun na cita pasal hujan ni . aq sendiri ta tau mcm mana bole terpesong drpd topic utama yg aq na tulis kat sini . haish , merepek je la shikin nie ! Sebenarnya aq na cita sikit nie pasal td . korang tau ta td BANJIR la weyh !...
Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things are yours.

Lifes go on !

Life is to short grudges are a waste of perfect happiness laugh when you can apologize when you should and let go if you can't change love deeply and forgive quickly grab the chances . give everything and have no regrets life is too short to be unhappy you have to take the good with the bad smile when you're sad love what you got and always remembered what you had always forgive but never forget learn from your mistake but never regret people change and things go wrong but always remembered lifes go on !