
Showing posts from 2016

Be, YOU.

Assalamualaikum and greeting, earthlings :) Years ago, there was a girl feeling hollow. Useless. Nothing. For whatever she does, people are judging her . The way she talk. The way she walk. The way she laugh. The way she dress. And in every way she is, they judge. They misunderstood her care for being 'busy body' They misunderstood her joke as an insult. They misunderstood her love as "ngade ngade". They misunderstood her friendliness as attention seeker. They talk a lot of things behind her ... Gemuk. Pemalas. Gedik. Pelik. Bising. etc etc. They assumed and they judge her. Mercilessly. They might not notice that the girl is actually HUMAN A living human with feelings. REAL feelings. Day by day they carved scars in her inner self. She felt vulnerable. Helpless. Hopeless. Her insecurities are overwhelming. They don't understand why is she like that. They will never ever understand. Being DIFF...


Assalamualaikum and greetings, earthling :) ***** 17/09/2016,  00:44 Embryology - the scientific study of embryo. Embryology is a subject that never fails to amazed me. It also one of the most crazy hard subject tho, no lies. You need all of your imagination ability to understand it. Maybe its because we are learning about something that can't be seen in real life. Everything happens in the IUL (intra-uterine life). So cerita dia, harini belajar pasal nervous system development. Dalam pada payah nak memahamkan apa yang Dr. Ravishankar cakap kat depan, I cant help myself from being completely amazed by His finest creation, the human. I am very amazed on how each and every cell knows exactly what to be and where to go. Surprised on how the small cell that pinch out of epiblast layer during the folding of neural tube end up being neural crest cell which in turn give rise to a whole new set of cells with variety of functions. Pastu ofc la kan bila belajar embryology mes...

North Yindia Trip #3

Assalamualaikum and greetings, earthling :) Alhamdulillah berjaya menggagahkan diri hari ni untuk sambung entri ni. So without further ado... ***** Day 5 - 3/2 Untuk hari kelima ni, the whole day was used up for our journey to Shimla. Kehkeh jauh yang amat. Sakit weh pinggang duk lelama dalam kereta. Tapi time otw to Shimla tu sempat singgah jap kat Hanging Bridge nearby Pandoh Dam. Subhanallah the view was breath-taking. With the crystal clear water and the lush greens, I was lost for words. Cantik sangat. Senanya takde pun dalam itinerary tapi kitorang mintak bhaiya berhenti jap sebab nak amik gamba. hihi. This picture do no justice cause in reality, this place has way amazing view than this!  Alhamdulillah for this surprised gift from Him to us :) Sampai Shimla je dah malam, so terus check in hotel and ta sempat nak g memana pun. Day 6 - 4/2 Hari ke-6 ni keje kitorang dari pagi sampai ke petang ialah memanjang horse riding kat Kufri and Naldehra. In...

Medical schools be like...

Assalamualaikum and greetings, earthling :) This is so true! Terjumpa gamba ni dalam fon. Tak silap kak hajar yang bagi and she's right. This is definitely the reality of the exams //rofl// Hmm tapi teringat OSPE kita Selanjar 2 ritu. :( tidak tahu lerr apa yang jadi. Histopathology is sooo not ma thangg. Gross anatomy utk pathological condition pun aku rasa macam normal je. Allah, cane la nak jadi doktor ni ashik oiii. Doa and tawakal jela ye :) Lots of Love, AE

North Yindia Trip #2

Assalamualaikum and greeting, earthlings :) Ya Allah nak tersedak rasanya baca tajuk entry harini. Uhuks. Sambungan cerita untuk trip 5 bulan lepaslah! ahahahaha hamboii lama beno masa diamik untuk buat sambungan entri kan? First of all, sorry sangat sebab lambat sangat nak buat sambungannya. Imma busy lady okay. Anywayy sekarang ni tengah cuti sem. So memandangkan macam tak berapa nak bz, saya pun menggigihkan la diri bukak miss  bloggie ni. Niat di hati ni nak update bermacam macam story tapi tengoklah macam mana :P So, lets continue the journey. Shall we? ***** Day 3 - 1/2 From Delhi to Manali, Himachal Pradesh. Memang sepanjang perjalanan tu confirm2 la aku zzzZZ kan. haha. pejam celik pejam celik, tak sampai sampai lagi. Naik lenguh satu badan duk dalam kereta tu. Mase da dekat Manali tu dah mula rasa sejuk gila. Banyk kali jugakla bhaiya tu berhenti sebab nak minum2 chai . relax relax dulu. Yelah dia drive sepanjang malam kot. Time da naik bukit/gunung tu memang...

Why India?

Assalamualaikum and greeting, earthlings :) Sekarang ni jam dekstop aku pukul 6.18 pagi. Tiba tiba rasa rajin nak jenguk Miss Bloggie ni. So morning? haha. Nampak nau takde idea nak menulis tu Kak Kin oiii. lol. Walaupun hakikatnya masih banyak topic CVS, GIT mahupun GUT untuk di-cover (excuse my language) dan hakikat yang lebih hakikat which is Selanjar 2 is around the corner,... and here I am writing a new entry. meh. Ok so without further delay, why India? For yall information, daripada hari pertama aku jejakkan kaki dekat India ni sampai la sekarang ni, dah bannnnyyyyaaakkk hikmah yang aku dapat. Unlike most of the students here that are unwillingly to come here (at first) plus those who thought that they're going to Ireland, I CHOSE to be here. I fill up the JPA-MARA scholarship form and decided to come here, India. and I still remember the day I decided to further my study here in India, everyone's reaction was "why India?" *insert that disgusted look*. I...

Be Different :)

Assalamualaikum and greeting, earthlings :) When the rest of us are wearing plain tudung for the photoshoot, there goes me with my shawl meriah . Lol. Trying hard enough to stand out huh? Be Different la sangat~ Lots of Love, AE

Medical students be like...

Assalamualaikum and greeting, earthlings :) ~ doze off ~ Lots of Love, AE

North Yindia Trip #1

Assalamualaikum and greeting, earthlings :) Its holiday! Yeayy? yeah its yeayy for real okay cause its a TWO WEEKS  holiday! / /feeling blessed // So, hmm buat ape cuti pepanjang tu? Well, since Im a tough strong independent lady // clear throats // instead of going back to Malaysia tanah airku yang tercinta like majority of the first year students, I went for a vacation to the North India! To the famous Golden Triangle of India and ke atas sikit lagi ke Manali and Shimla! India Gate, Delhi Sebenarnya kitorang planned agak lama la benda ni. Mula mula tu memang ade pun nawaitu nak balik Malaysia TAPI Hjh Azimah suruh stay je sini. Dia lagi suruh jalan adela. Hmm kiranya macam satu dorongan la bila dah ibu sendiri suruh jalan kan? Haha. Tapi serious talk tak mudah benda ni. Bukan la susah yang amat tapi dia jadi susah sebab time tu kitorg ade problem dengan elaun agent dan sebagainya. So memang memerlukan kesabaran yang amatlah tinggi ye nak. Tapi alhamdulillah, semua ma...