Assalamualaikum and greetings, earthlings.
Hmm dah kenapa kan tajuk macam tu. Yelah before this kan dah kata akan cuba menaip dengan berilmiah sikit so now here we go :)
To those who know me, the real me, will know how do I look into the world. One thing for sure, in a different way than most of us see it. Kadang kadang orang tanya aku.
Kenapa kau banyak fikir hah?
Perlu ke fikir sampai ke tahap tu?
Kau dapat apa je fikir banyak2 macam tu? Sakit kepala adela.
Dahla takyah fikir, terima je. Dah betul tu.
Kau ni pasal pelajaran tak nak fikir, ini pulak yang kau fikir.
Tapi pada aku, apa gunanya Allah bagi aku nikmat akal ni kalau aku tak gunakan untuk berfikir. Cuma kadang kadang aku pun pelik dengan diri sendiri. Macam mana la kau boleh fikir sampai ke tahap tu. Maybe that is just who I am.
Recently, I went to this one usrah organized by our seniors here. And ada satu slot tu yang cerita pasal Logam. Tentang macam mana fitrah kita sebagai manusia semua ada logam masing masing. Kiranya kelebihan sendiri la. At this time ofc la aku rasa macam excited terlebih sebab nya I've always want to be like Al-Hadid = Logam. The reason? next time la kot :P
So lepas diorang tanya soalan tu pada kitorang and I start to wonder, what is my logam? How can I use it for the benefit of my religion? But I seriously have no idea! I don't know what my logam is. Time tu dahla kecut perut kot kot la kena point suruh bagitahu semua orang pasal logam diri sendiri. haha but in the end, I was safe. tak kena pilih.
But my question doesn't ends there. Bila balik bilik tu aku terfikir balik. Apa logam aku? Setelah puas berfikir, I realized that "Hey, I love to think. Rasa curious dalam hati aku ni selalu lead otak aku ni berfikir macam macam benda," But yeah, whatever I think stays inside here in ma mind. I dont really have that courage to step forward and talk. Well, it depends actually. Sometimes ya but the other times NO.
So I conclude that my logam is Suka Berfikir. In shaa allah fikir benda yang baik baik jela hendaknye :)
Hmm dah kenapa kan tajuk macam tu. Yelah before this kan dah kata akan cuba menaip dengan berilmiah sikit so now here we go :)
To those who know me, the real me, will know how do I look into the world. One thing for sure, in a different way than most of us see it. Kadang kadang orang tanya aku.
Kenapa kau banyak fikir hah?
Perlu ke fikir sampai ke tahap tu?
Kau dapat apa je fikir banyak2 macam tu? Sakit kepala adela.
Dahla takyah fikir, terima je. Dah betul tu.
Kau ni pasal pelajaran tak nak fikir, ini pulak yang kau fikir.
Tapi pada aku, apa gunanya Allah bagi aku nikmat akal ni kalau aku tak gunakan untuk berfikir. Cuma kadang kadang aku pun pelik dengan diri sendiri. Macam mana la kau boleh fikir sampai ke tahap tu. Maybe that is just who I am.
Recently, I went to this one usrah organized by our seniors here. And ada satu slot tu yang cerita pasal Logam. Tentang macam mana fitrah kita sebagai manusia semua ada logam masing masing. Kiranya kelebihan sendiri la. At this time ofc la aku rasa macam excited terlebih sebab nya I've always want to be like Al-Hadid = Logam. The reason? next time la kot :P
So lepas diorang tanya soalan tu pada kitorang and I start to wonder, what is my logam? How can I use it for the benefit of my religion? But I seriously have no idea! I don't know what my logam is. Time tu dahla kecut perut kot kot la kena point suruh bagitahu semua orang pasal logam diri sendiri. haha but in the end, I was safe. tak kena pilih.
But my question doesn't ends there. Bila balik bilik tu aku terfikir balik. Apa logam aku? Setelah puas berfikir, I realized that "Hey, I love to think. Rasa curious dalam hati aku ni selalu lead otak aku ni berfikir macam macam benda," But yeah, whatever I think stays inside here in ma mind. I dont really have that courage to step forward and talk. Well, it depends actually. Sometimes ya but the other times NO.
So I conclude that my logam is Suka Berfikir. In shaa allah fikir benda yang baik baik jela hendaknye :)