Namaste ~
Assalamualaikum and greetings, earthlings.
It's been ages since my last update and lots of thing had happened. Both the good and bad thing. More good, I guess. So, its already been a month plus plus here as in India and my life here is not that bad. Actually its not bad at all! Everything is good. The food. The people. The lecturer. The environment. So far I don't have problem with this place even though some of us has already start comparing here and back home in Malaysia. Since I don't have any interest in shopping, mall, updating myself with new movies, luxurious item/surroundings and etc, there's seriously no problem for me being here.
My only problem is to cope with the studies here. Damn, its not easy. Well obviously I know that this path won't lead me to any easy journey however I never thought it would be this hard. Maybe sebab dah biasa sangat bersenang lenang kot thats why otak jammed sikit bila study balik. hehe lol. Sekarang tgh cuti mid sem kat sini. And yeah ofc speaking 'bout cuti, Xanthrons(our batch name) are all over the place for holiday. except me and few others. Jealous la jugak but I just don't have that holiday mood yet. Next February, In shaa Allah bercuti la kita ye :)
Actually, I wanna upload few pictures here but as usual me being lazy wanna procrastinate AGAIN! haha. Next time perhaps.
Lots of love, AE
p/s - Da try pujuk ibu nak balik Malaysia cuti February nnti tapi ibu tak kasi. sob sob. Apalah nasib nak balik umah sendiri pun payah :'(