Assalamualaikum and greetings earthling. Its 26th of November rn as I'm writing this. I know its a lil bit late but, I wanna express my gratitude to those who wished me on birthday 3 days ago. So yeah, thanks love :) Lots of Love, AE
Showing posts from 2015
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Assalamualaikum and greetings, earthlings. Hmm dah kenapa kan tajuk macam tu. Yelah before this kan dah kata akan cuba menaip dengan berilmiah sikit so now here we go :) To those who know me, the real me, will know how do I look into the world. One thing for sure, in a different way than most of us see it. Kadang kadang orang tanya aku. Kenapa kau banyak fikir hah? Perlu ke fikir sampai ke tahap tu? Kau dapat apa je fikir banyak2 macam tu? Sakit kepala adela. Dahla takyah fikir, terima je. Dah betul tu. Kau ni pasal pelajaran tak nak fikir, ini pulak yang kau fikir. Tapi pada aku, apa gunanya Allah bagi aku nikmat akal ni kalau aku tak gunakan untuk berfikir. Cuma kadang kadang aku pun pelik dengan diri sendiri. Macam mana la kau boleh fikir sampai ke tahap tu. Maybe that is just who I am. Recently, I went to this one usrah organized by our seniors here. And ada satu slot tu yang cerita pasal Logam. Tentang macam mana fitrah kita sebagai manusi...
Evening y'all.
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Assalamualaikum and greetings, earthlings. Tetiba pulak rasa rajin macam nak update blog pada petang yang indah ini. Acewah berpuitis gitu. Life is full of surprise kan. Td time nak baca buku malas sangat tetiba bukak laptop eh TERrajin pulak nak update blog. haha lol sangat alasannye tu. Sebenarnya baru lepas baca entry2 yang lama tu. Alah entry masa zaman jahiliah tu. Ya Allah malunya bila dibaca balik. I even question myself, "Eh aku tulis macam ni ke dulu?" Malunya subhanallah rasa macam nak tampar tampar diri sendiri ni sebab tak matang sangat. Nama pun zaman jahiliah kan memang nampak la jahiliahnya tu. So dari tadi duk jenuh revert those entries to draft. Malu punya pasal. Bila baca tu rasa macam "Dah kenapa seh aku tulis macam ni. Takde keje lain ke?" Tulah kalau tulis tak berlandaskan ilmu. Pakai hati. Ikut rasa. Memang tulah jadinya. Dengan post yang emo memanjang. Post luahan perasaan. Post marah tak tentu pasal. Maaf la pada sesiapa yang da...
Namaste ~
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Assalamualaikum and greetings, earthlings. It's been ages since my last update and lots of thing had happened. Both the good and bad thing. More good, I guess. So, its already been a month plus plus here as in India and my life here is not that bad. Actually its not bad at all! Everything is good. The food. The people. The lecturer. The environment. So far I don't have problem with this place even though some of us has already start comparing here and back home in Malaysia. Since I don't have any interest in shopping, mall, updating myself with new movies, luxurious item/surroundings and etc, there's seriously no problem for me being here. My only problem is to cope with the studies here. Damn, its not easy. Well obviously I know that this path won't lead me to any easy journey however I never thought it would be this hard. Maybe sebab dah biasa sangat bersenang lenang kot thats why otak jammed sikit bila study balik. hehe lol. Sekarang tgh cuti mid s...
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Assalamualaikum semua. Hiks :) Pejam celik pejam celik, now tinggal lebih kurang seminggu je bermaharaja lela kt rumah ni. Ya allah, cepat betul masa berlalu. And yeah luggage still x berkemas lagi. Documents x settle lagi. Typical me. True procrastinator. Guess i need that panic rush now! Bila cakap sambung belajar luar negara ni, semua orang akan respons " Wah bestnye. Untungla nnti bole jalan2 " Hah byk la kau punya jalan :P Tapi x semua orang tau betapa sulit leceh kalutnya proses nk ke sana tu. Loads of things to handle. Passport. BTN. Visa. Ur penaja. Etc etc. Betul kan orang kata, you'll know it once you experience it. Contohnya macam aq skarang ni. Tbvh, skarang ni stress sgt nk handle benda2 ni semua. Dengan satu persatu ujian datang. Tapi takpe, Dia takkan menguji lebih daripada apa yang hambaNya mampu kan? Sebab dia tahu yang diri ni kuat la dia uji. Betul x? Bila fikir balik, rasa macam tak percaya je dah nak fly. Rasa macam baru semalam duk kalut kec...
Spread the positivity :)
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Assalamualaikum earthlings :) Loads of things had happened to me this past year. Being in kmk, mingle with these new people from various backgrounds had really taught me a lots of valuable yet memorable things. But ofc, theres bitter in every sweet rite? Takpela, at least those not-so-good things that happened to me back there is a lesson for me. Pengajaran yang sangat berguna and valid sampai bila bila. Not everything will go in the direction that we want it to go. Sometimes dia akan melencong ke semak, ke longkang, ke mana mana je yang dia rasa nak melencong. So kita kena pandai pandai la adapt kat tempat lencongan baru tu. Cuma kadang kadang apa yang jadi kat diri kita ni bagi kesan yang sangat SANGAT mendalam pada diri sendiri sampai boleh buat kita reboot balik diri ni. Reset. Be a totally new person. I tried to change the people. The environment. The system. But I failed. I was wondering, whether the people, the environment or the system is at flaw? or is it just me? ...
Fuh Fuhh *tiup habuk*
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Assalamualaikum earthlings :) Hmm, sedar tak sedar dah lama rupanya tinggalkan miss bloggie ni sendirian. Hihi. And sedar tak sedar dah nak fly pun kita. Eh. Yeke? Rasa mcm baru je semalam update entry psl dapat buat asasi kt kmk ( an entry which I have reverted to draft. sorry ~ ) Cepat beno masa berlalu ye dak. Ni la yg orang duk kata pejam celik pejam celik tu ye? hehe. So to summarize everything that happened in this past year, everything went well. Few problems, but besides that, aal iz well :) Get to know awesome new people. And when I say new, I mean it! Takde sorg pun kt kmk tu yang aq kenal. Roomates awesome. Jiran bilik awesome esp bilik FAZ 105! Awesome lecturers. Awesome desk-mate time tutorial. Awesome batch-mate. Tapi as usual aq ni pemerhati jela. Dah tak se-HU-HA time form 5. Well people change, right? Sebenarnya skarang ni tengah duk kalut pasal visa, medical check up, kemas barang, nervous nk blaja, takut homesick and macam macam lagi la. Maklumla nak b...