SPM '12
Assalamualaikum readers :)
In my previous entry I forgot to mention about the result of SPM '12. It was incredible! SMK Dato' Penggawa Timur which happens to be my school, is in the first place of secondary schools ranking in Pasir Gudang and eleventh place in the states ranking! Its amazingly awesome. By the time cikgu announced straight students, ikin pun ade kat dewan. So, Ikin pun tau la pasal result tu. But guys please don't get me wrong okay, I didn't sneak out of the class or skip the class or anything. Ikin keluar dgn permission okay. So, overall the result was amazing. There're 27 people who got straight A's. A person w/ full straight A +! sgt pandai okay. It is relieving knowing that they've done a really good job in their SPM but us? We still don't know about our fate.
As for me, I only have a wish. It is to see all of my classmates including me on the stage and none of us will be left behind. I really hope that all of us will get straight A's. tak kisah la even it is straight A - it would have been great too! But my target will have to be straight A+ la.
For now I guess I have to work harder. People says that "aimed higher so that when you failed, it won't be so bad." What do I mean is if you aimed higher the worst that you will get is 'good'. For example, If you aimed for A+ then the worst you will get either A or A-.
That's all for now. I gotta go because Running Man is going to be aired any minute from now. Thank you, Good Night and Bubye ^^
As for me, I only have a wish. It is to see all of my classmates including me on the stage and none of us will be left behind. I really hope that all of us will get straight A's. tak kisah la even it is straight A - it would have been great too! But my target will have to be straight A+ la.
It feels great just seeing the others who get flying colors in their result screaming happily and joyfully. But it also break my heart when I look at those who doesn't achieve their target. They were sad and most of them even cry. Well, I do understand their feeling. It feels just like the whole world is crumbling down to the earth when you failed to achieved what you've target. Even when people tell that it is not the end of the world, it still doesn't comfort you. You feel like all of your effort doesn't worth at all. But next year, I hope if I failed to get what I want, I won't be like that. Crying is fine but mourning is too much for me. BUT, let's hope that this won't happen to me. I wish to be on the stage smiling broadly holding my flying colors of rainbow result to the world. world? hiperbola sangat la pulak. hehe.You can achieve what you want. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
For now I guess I have to work harder. People says that "aimed higher so that when you failed, it won't be so bad." What do I mean is if you aimed higher the worst that you will get is 'good'. For example, If you aimed for A+ then the worst you will get either A or A-.
That's all for now. I gotta go because Running Man is going to be aired any minute from now. Thank you, Good Night and Bubye ^^
p/s - Fighting Ashikin!
p/p/s - Forget to mention that I've met the lover of my heart on that day too. It feels like winning a lottery. So happy till it feels like I'm floating to the heaven :)